Unofficial views: K. Voith Penberthy
K. Voith Penberthy was stationed at Camp MacRae with the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1944. His collection of 323 colour slides documents various construction activities and beautiful Yukon scenes, including sunsets and sunrises. The following is a sample of this collection, donated to Yukon Archives in 1994.
waiting to board a White Pass and Yukon Route train
Corporal T. Ryder from Chester, England waiting to board a White Pass and Yukon Route train in Whitehorse. ca. 1943-1944.
Yukon Archives. K. Voith Penberthy fonds, 94/127 #243, PHO 567

K. Voith Penberthy

First Avenue in Whitehorse with the White Pass and Yukon Route station and train. ca. 1943-1944.Canol refinery at Whitehorse, April 1944.Whitehorse airport with four fighter planes ready to take off.Camp MacRae near WhitehorseDead line trucks awaiting repair at MacRaeMidnight sun overlooking the Mackenzie RiverFrozen waterfall in Dodo Canyon along the Canol Road.View along the Canol Road with fall colours. September 1944. Moonlight 100 miles south of Camp Canol. June 1944.Voith in front of the beer parlor, Carcross, YukonLumber barge entering Carcross carrying 90,000 feet of lumber. ca. 1943-1944.Sawmill at Mile 100 on the Alaska Highway. ca. 1943-1944.Rock formation at Kluane LakeEquipment for Utah Construction CompanySmall Bridge at Donjek riverLeader of light tractor convoy traveling the Alaska Highway. ca. 1943-1944.Igloos, otherwise known as Quonset huts, at Camp Canol. February 1944.Loading barges at Camp Canol on the Mackenzie River, July 1944.waiting to board a White Pass and Yukon Route train