Chapter 2: Construction & Maintenance
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Excerpt from CBC announcer Les McLaughlin’s program on the history of the Alaska Highway including clips from former U.S. soldiers discussing how they endured life on the road.
Yukon Archives. CBC Yukon fonds, CD series 42, CD #12, track 2. Runtime: 2:01


YA_AH-13.mp3 (3:49)
Sound clip from 1943 about the Canadian Premiere of the Irving Berlin movie "This is the Army" held in the newly constructed 600 seat motion picture theatre at MacRae (near Whitehorse). Includes an excerpt of Robert Service reminiscing about his years in Whitehorse. Includes the voices of CBC national announcers - J. Frank Willis and Lt. Paul Hammond.
YA_AH-06.mp3 (2:01)
Excerpt from CBC announcer Les McLaughlin’s program on the history of the Alaska Highway including clips from former U.S. soldiers discussing how they endured life on the road.